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tv   The Intelligence Report With Trish Regan  FOX Business  November 3, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EST

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all worries in the world whether this is overhyped. conjecture making $6 billion for maker of "candy crush" game. be that as it may, bidding up prices higher and higher we go. trish regan, through the next hour. trish: up and away. donald trump inning ante as he takes on his toughest competitor, ben carson. this is "the intelligence report. retired neurosurgeon ben carson has six-point lead. first "wall street journal" poll since june, someone other than trump leading pack. separate poll conducted by reuters shows trump is still number one with majority of voters saying they trust trump most on economy and nuclear weapons. trump apes top spot is in question. he is fighting back. saying carson can't cut it in the white house.
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>> i like ben, but ben can't do the job. there is no question about it. he can't do the job. >> what do you mean. >> he will not be able to negotiate with china. that is not his thing. that is not his wheelhouse. he has never done it before. i don't think it is meant for him. trish: we have breaking analysis on this 2016 race with best-selling author gina lowden. blake burman has details on the latest poll. blake, six-point spread. that is significant. >> it is significant especially for carson who is at the top. there is a lot in here, for donald trump and dr. ben carson to point to should they choose. for carson, "nbc news-wall street journal poll" has him at 29%. that is significant because that is the highest level of support he hit in any tional poll so far this year. also some nice momentum for carson, atop reasonable polls out of eye way out of our debate
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next week. trump has overwhelming, republican polls and voters taken notice. 36% of the republicans say they feel he will eventually win the nomination and 32% feel he has best chance to beat the democratic nominee. throughout the day, trump set his sights on carson. culminated for event of launch of his new book. including a line he often repeated on february josh. >> you need a strong person with tremendous energy. thanks very much, i take the job. it is so important. by the way, ben carson does not have that energy. reporter: trump didn't stop there. he also at the news conference went after jeb bush and possibly even more so than anybody else, marco rubio who we have seen get some momentum in the last week or so after that debate. trish: he is going after them all. thank you so much, blake.
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gina and matthew are with me for more analysis. gina, you have been a trump fan throughout this. people are responding to all he has to say. how do you react, gina, to the latest poll that suggests ben carson the is guy americans want to see in office right now? >> with all due respect to dr. carson, i'm glad he is in the race, but i think that you can't take one poll and isolation. as you know, for example, the "real clear politics" takes the average of all the polls in the country still has trump winning by leaps and bounds you have to look at other polls. trish: right percent poll out today does have donald trump winning in that poll. to your point there are other polls suggesting other things. surprised ben carson, has come up from behind and donald trump
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as strong as he has, gina. can you explain that? >> probably a little bit after trump, he doesn't necessarily have that sort of get teal civility that a lot of conservatives appreciate. the character aspect after presidential candidate is important to a lot of voters and they like the humility and things. i think when they don't see that in trump, maybe they're out there looking for that in somebody else. i think that's okay. i think so far, you know the conservatives in this race are having a very thoughtful, process to the finish line. and i find it, absolutely fascinating. i think what we can't lose sight of here, is that the establishment candidates are not winning. i think that is the first-ever -- trish: get to something a big issue on the campaign trail. you get a lot of people out there that depend on medicaid. carson wants to get red of medicaid. this is something that donald
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trump highlighted as problem for his campaign just this morning on "fox & friends." watch it. >> we have to bring jobs back to the country. we'll make the country rich again. we'll be able to afford entitlements. i don't want to do that. i'm not cutting social security. people will cut social security, cut medicare. >> you want to grow your way out of it. >> carson wants to cut medicare. i think that is end of his campaign. he wants to abolish or get rid of medicare. to me that is end of his campaign. that is a program that works. trish: medicaid, medicare are up for grabs. how much does that affect ben carson's candidacy, gina? >> again i think he is appealing to a conservative base that sees government as too big and intrusive in our lives. if there is a way to privatize and still help people i think that's a good thing. i have watched trump sort of evolve on some of these issues because he is an official outsider. i don't think that is a bad thing. i think trump will continue to evolve to see that maybe privatizing some of these things that don't need to have
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government interference might work in the long run. trish: what is interesting to me, according to this reuters poll, when you look at what voters trust donald trump on the most, gina, it happens to be the economy which is important right now. that is the number one issue, let's not forget for americans. they care about their economic status and pocketbooks and future economically. number two, dealing with foreign leaders and nuclear weapons. these are things americans trust him the most on. that should theoretically translate into success at voting booth. >> yeah. i absolutely think that you, just take the basic issues. economic security, national security. and i think, and this is sort of more, nuanced, but constitutional awareness, a respect for the distance that government is supposed to have from our daily lives. and i think the candidate who comes out on top, ultimately
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will have those three things succinctly in place, economic security, national security and respect for our constitutional governance. which means government is out of our lives, not intrusive. trish: gina, stick with me. remind everyone not to miss fox business's debate next week. i will be joined out in milwaukee, wisconsin, by sandra smith, maria bartiromo and neil cavuto. we'll be asking the substantive questions that need to be asked right now on our economy. it kicks off 6:00 p.m. eastern only here on fox business. democratic frontrunner hillary clinton is today releasing her first ad campaign targetinggun control. shows footage of a recent town hall where hillary will pursue expanded background checks and hold manufacturers accountable for crimes committed by their weapons. take a listen to this. >> this epidemic of gun violence knows no boundaries.
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between 88 and 92 people a day are killed by guns. we're better than this. how many people have to die before we actually act? trish: okay. now this ad, which is airing in primary voting states, iowa, and new hampshire, it comes as the democratic frontrunner continues to cement her new lead in the polls. but what she is not telling people she has actually flip-flopped on this issue during the race again then senator barack obama where she was a lot more positive on guns and gun ownership. ed henry, fox news chief white house correspondent is joining me right now with the very latest. is this another example of flip-flopping hillary? reporter: good to see you trish. that was then, this is now. you're right in 2007 and 2008 hillary clinton was trying to move to the middle a bit against barack obama win states like west virginia, pennsylvania where gun control is not such a positive idea. so she was much softer on the issue back then. fast forward to now, bernie sanders being from vermont is
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very soft on gun control. and has not been there on issues like the brady bill. hillary clinton beat up on him about that in the first democratic debate you will remember in las vegas. what she is doing here with this new ad, to continue to try to run to left of sanders on issues like gun control. also why she flip-flopped on trade. why she is now against the keystone pipeline. all of these issues lining up for her. so far it is working. look at "wall street journal/nbc news" national poll. she has troubled her lead nationally over bernie sanders. it is very clear some of this is working for her in the primaries. she is moving closer to getting democratic nomination. where i suggest there is danger sign. look at deeper into "the wall street journal," nbc news, poll do you have a favorable view of hillary clinton? only 40% have favorable view, looking at entire electorate, only 40% have favorability view.
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that will linger in the general election. she is motoring here towards the nomination, chris. trish: thanks so much. i'm back with matt and gene n. matt, this is interesting to me in a state which the motto is live free or die, where hunt something very much part of the culture, she is trying to pushing gun control. she is struggled in new hampshire. bernie sanders has done pretty well there. is she going to have any success with that, and if so why? >> i think in the democratic party, majority of people are for measures she is asking for. majority of the american people are for better background checks and couple things hillary suggested. i think in new hampshire she will be probably pretty okay. i wasn't able to get on before, trish. let me say on ben carson trump thing, no question carson has some momentum right now. trump really isn't losing a lot of support. it is other people losing support. carson does have momentum.
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i want to get that in as well. >> definitely has momentum. i want to get back to hillary though and gun control. this is interesting to me, gina, she is taking on this issue. in a state like new hampshire she wants to win, a lot of people moved from massachusetts. it is estimated, do we have numbers, guys? is it 80,000? over 80,000 democrats have moved into the state in the last five years. you have a lot of people migrating north because of the better tax situation in new hampshire from massachusetts. and so, as a result, you have a state that is shaping up to be more and more blue. could call it kind of purple. a state historically had been pretty red. will this resonate, anti-gun message? will this be what mobilizes her base. you're shaking your head, no, matt. >> it is not anti-gun. >> i think she is trying really hard to be whatever it is that will get her elected. but let's not forget in the last
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election when she was running against barack obama she was bragging how strong she was on gun issue and how she would stand firm on it, so much so, barack obama himself labeled her a annie oakley wannabe. this woman who is willing to flip-flop as wind blows, if voters catch on to this, it could mean big trouble for her. trish: do very sound fm the past campaign. we'll run it for you. this is her campaign against barack obama. listen what she has to say in new hampshire on guns. >> i support the second amendment. i don't want your guns. i have hunted. my father taught me how to shoot. you know, and, i went duck hunting in arkansas. i shot and i shot a banded duck. and, they were surprised as i was. [laughter] so i have great respect for gun owners. trish: little bit of a different tone than we're hearing right now. matt, she is talking about going after manufacturers of guns. >> yes. trish: a lot of people equated
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this to, and analogy is somewhat like this. if i were in a car accident, i could go after general motors, who made my car as opposed to taking responsibility for myself, maybe just being a bad driver and getting in an accident. that would effectively cripple the gun industry which is what she would like to do. >> you pick ad good one with general motors. that's a good choice. you know, hillary, we've seen what happened in last few years with all these mass murders. would be crazy to not evolve on this issue and not change your opinion. trish: what does evolve mean? what is she trying to get done. i'm curious when you mean by evolve. she talked about australia a good example what we could potentially do. barack obama said exactly same thing. what does evolve mean in your opinion no nobody thinks we can do what australia does. there are more guns than people
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in america. we're not going to be able to do what australia does. trish: i should remind our viewers, get everybody caught up. australia confiscated guns. they had a buyback program. >> we're not doing that. trish: interestingly they have 3 1/2 million guns in australia. the exact same amount when they started confiscation program back in the '90s. >> we agree which things are not working. there should be ideas how to make the system work better so criminals don't have guns. i think we agree with that. >> how about involving to eliminating gun-free zones that are virtual target practice for anyone who wants -- >> i don't think they're virtual target practice. that is ridiculous. no, i don't think that is evolving. actually, data does not show that is good idea. trish: making sure we have better mental health programs because that really is at root of all of this. >> no, it isn't.
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trish: we have more on hillary's gun push. we will speak to second amendment expert jan morgan. we'll talk about smart guns as well. whether or not they make us safer or more at risk. trump wrote the book on how to make america great again, literally, literally. he has a new book out today. we're live at trump tower. we'll preview it for you. we'll be here back in two. ♪ why should over two hundred years of citi history matter to you? well, because it tells us something powerful about progress: that whether times are good or bad, people and their ideas will continue to move the world forward. as long as they have someone to believe in them. citi financed the transatlantic cable that connected continents.
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trish: all right. as we have been reporting everyone donald trump is out with aproned new book today. it is called, how to make america great again. lays out his plans to improve
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the nation, fix economy, improve health care and rebuild our military. we have the latest from trump tower. i haven't read the book yet. he is talking about putting forward these plans to fix the economy. is there any substance to what he is talking about there? what can you share with us? >> of course, trish, you and i would go right to the chapter. we think alike. that is exactly what i did this morning when i got the copy of the book. let me read awe specific quote from the book what he would do to fix the economy. one of my strongest ideas to look at the tax code, both complexity and obvious bias towards the rich. hedge funds and money managers are important for pension funds and 401(k) plans to help americans but far less important than they think. they should pay higher taxes when they are earning money at those levels. he talks a lot about a lot of things not just economy. there is chapter on immigration. trish: let me jump in there,
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what you pointed out was pretty important. he is saying we need to hit all the money managers. we need to hit wall street with higher taxes. does he mean there he wants to close the private equity loophole or is he talking about just hitting everyone? if you somehow work in finance are you going to be taxed at a different rate? or is he going to stick with the 28% as highest tax rate for folks? reporter: if you look at the quote again, the truth is we don't have more specifics from him and that is something i'm sure we'll find out next week during the fox business debate. we need specifics who he will target and who he is not. i will say this, hedge fund managers are very vocal. he is going after the hedge fund industry. he was no patience for wall street types, traders if you will. that is something that has to be fleshed out. the book, that quote, was one of the more specific economic quotes i can give you. the book reads like him talking. if you read it, it is him on the campaign stump trish. really quickly i do want to let
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you know, he is behind me still. he has been here, good for him. he has been here since noon eastern time. gave big news conference. international media is here, believe it or not. he is still signing books. then he goes over to nbc after this. he just told us he will meet with lorne michaels, executive producer of "saturday night live" because he is doing "snl" this weekend. he is still shaking hands. huge line. trish: go get him! go get him! we want you and him on "the intelligence report." we have 40 minutes. let's see if we get it done. cheryl casone, thank you very much. it is year three of obamacare and you better prepare yourself for sticker shock. why? premiums are going up. we have all the intel on this story. plus are taxpayers falling into the hands of isis? the shocking details about where united states of american dollars go. stay with us. ♪
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trish: breaking news. the transportation seg tear is announcing that the u.s. government will fine takata $70 million over company's handling of airbag recalls. this has been part after month-long settlement, negotiation there with nhtsa, the national highway safety administration. if takata breaks the agreement it would be forced to pay additional $130 million. a fine here, not a terribly large fine in the scheme of things, especially considering that eight people were killed as a result of this. takata's airbag inflators exploded and they spewed shrapnel into passengers. so far 23 1/2 million airbaginfe been recalled on more than 19 million vehicles in the united states. so again, that news of the fine just breaking. $70 million, the company being
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fined for its role in all of that. meanwhile we want to turn to another story, that americans are watching very carefully right now. americans are enrolling in obamacare, right now. they're stunned by this sticker shock. people with the least expensive plans are feeling it the most. with costs rising anywhere from seven to more than 20%. the deductibles in the so-called bronze level plan, which is cheapest plan, they remain very high more than $5700. there is no inflation in our economy, none. so why are these obama care health plans going to cost americans so much more? what is it going to mean for the 2016 field? fox news's bret baier is with me, host of "special report." bret, you know, i got to tell you, i got all these tweets from viewers. they are upset, they are angry, how much their premium costs are going up. how do you see this affecting the political landscape right now? >> well, pretty significantly. first of all, in the 2016 presidential race, when you get
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to a democratic nominee, looks like it will be hillary clinton but we don't know that for sure yet but if she is will embrace obamacare fully and say a few things need to be fixed. the problem with that, you can't find too many families who got $2500 in promised savings that president obama said a family would receive once obamacare kicks in. in fact as you mentioned premiums are rising all over the country. you also have this other story, trish, playing out politically this year, these co-ops. these are the non-profit co-ops that were set up under obamacare with $2.4 billion in federal funding. well, a third of the 23 of these have collapsed. they have just disappeared one of them is in kentucky. today there is election in kentucky, democrat jack conway is funding off republican
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attacks from matt bevin as issue of obamacare. that is microcosm of what we could see in 2016. trish: we're talking about the economy in this election. bottom line when they go to the voting booth, they most often vote their pocketbook. they want to know if neighbor has a job. want to know if kid will have a job. how hard will it be the lack of wage inflation we have, lack of good jobs out there? you couple that with the obamacare premiums going up, how hard, is it going to be, bret, to run on his record? >> it will be tough. if you look at economy now, you know it better than most, i think most families feel the pinch. the wage issue stagnation is really the question. i think this obamacare question goes to a different level of frustration. and we hear it anecdotally throughout the country people not being able to find right doctors and right network. some states obviously worse than others. the flip side, you do have more
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people who are insured who were not insured before, but you still have 30 million plus, who are uninsured. so, i think there is going to be this tense look at obamacare while republicans will say they continue to want to repeal and replace it. trish: well, and they are going to have to come up with solutions to repeal and replace it if in fact that's what they want to do. it is interesting, any of the polling data out there would have showed you, americans they just inherently didn't trust this, really from the beginning, bret. >> no, that's true. the polls were upside down. obamacare, if you remember, passed through, really on only democratic votes. and, in a way that was, a lot of people thought it was kind of cobbled together in congress. democrats will tell you up on capitol hill that there need to be major fixes if this law is to stay intact going forward but, you know, running on that is going to be difficult.
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trish: yeah. it will be difficult indeed. bret, thank you so much. we're going to see you on fox news channel tonight. "special report," six p.m. eastern, do not miss it. >> thanks, trish. trish: americans are frustrated. they're frustrated by escalating health insurance costs as you heard bret just explain. everyone is frustrated by the slow economy, by depressed wages, by lack of good jobs. you have a lot of pessimism out there. it is becoming a real issue. if you didn't know it, you might think it is time to get out the bet bottoms go back to the 1970s. that is how people feel. a new poll says only 27% of americans say our country is on the right track. that is basically a quarter of the country that thinks things are okay. nearly half the country thinks the odds are stacked against them. roughly 75% of all americans say, they're just stuck staying where they are or slipping
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behind when it comes to describing their own economic situations. this isn't food. in one of the things that made our country such a success is our optimism. for a country to grow, we need to believe that we can grow. we need to believe in opportunity and we need a leader that can inspire us to do it all. the economy is the number one issue in this election. 38% of americans say that's what they care about. what i care about too, is what we care about here at fox business. so on tuesday, make sure you tune in. we're going to be asking the important, the substantive economic questions to all the republican candidates. it all begins at 6:00 p.m. eastern. i'm going to be joined by sandra smith, maria bartiromo, neil cavuto. we will ask important questions on the economy and we'll be getting answers. it is happening only on fox business live from milwaukee, wisconsin. president obama going after republican candidates and their
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issues with last week's debate. i guess the president is conveniently forgetting his own debate debacle when he was running for office in 2007 and presidential hopeful hillary clinton is calling for -- gun control in her new ad. how the second amendment is being affected. stay tuned. back in two. the future belongs to the fast. and to help you accelerate, we've created a new company... one totally focused on what's next for your business. the true partnership where people,technology and ideas push everyone forward. accelerating innovation. accelerating transformation. accelerating next.
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hewlett packard enterprise.
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trish: take a look at this.
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we have some upside on your screen. 150 on the dial. energy prices are moving higher, believe it or not. lending a helping hand. a lot of the companies moving higher on the day. nasdaq also doing okay there. we will continue watching. 18,000 is a big level that we are watching. 18,000. we're getting pretty close there. we will keep an eye on it and let you know as soon as it happens. the state department is not stopping its review of the keystone oil pipeline. this despite a request from transcanada. using the pipeline to use oil to u.s. refineries. white house officials announced they were in the process of sending a response to transcanada. there was no actual word on when it will actually be sent. though oil company wants a pause in the process. it is just the line things here.
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until there is a new president in 2017. meanwhile, we have the president defending his decision to deploy up to 50 u.s. special forces to syria. the president telling that he is not breaking his promise. the troops will not be on the front line. peter barnes joins us right now. it seems like some antics going on here. is this explanation going to satisfy his critics? >> absolutely not. his critics are speaking out today. this strategy is no strategy at all. fifty special force operators on the ground will not make much of a difference in syria. it will just make them more vulnerable to attacks. they will stay away from the front line in the fight against isis. does not break the promise of no boots on the ground.
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it does not reflect a major shift in strategy. >>eein mind that we have ran special ops already. really, this is just an extension of what we are continuing to do. we are not putting u.s. troops on the front lines fighting firefights with isil. i have been consistent or out. we are not going to be fighting like we did in iraq. >> the administration says that troops orders are just simply advise and assist the syrian rubbles. trish: thank you so much, peter barnes. the second amendment very much under threat today. hillary clinton releases a new ad targeting tighter gun control. gun range on her will join me right after the break with her take. i will see you right here. ♪
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fell short of investor forecast. candy crush maker soaring today. being acquired by activision for nearly $6 billion. fiat chrysler. last month rising. expecting it to be the strongest october for auto sales since 2001. our american dollar. funding isis. it is on the front page of the "wall street journal" today. we have the author. ♪
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>> between 88 and 92 people a day are killed by guns. we are better than this. how many people have to die before we actually act? before we come together as a nation. trish: hillary clinton trying to distance herself from her rival, bernie sanders. this is a new ad hearing in iowa and new hampshire today. trying to show a softer side of herself. also trying to bring out the anti-gun advocates. let's not forget the motto, live free or die and hunting is very much a part of the culture there. joining me now is jim morgan. always good to see you. thank you for being back on the show. >> of course.
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good to see trish: let's start here with her plan. she wants to hold manufacturers responsible for crimes committed with their guns. isn't that like holding a car company responsible for a car accident that an individual is in. i cannot go after the car company. >> no you cannot did that aspect of her plan is the most revealing about hillary's agenda. she knows if you allow citizens to go after gun manufacturers legally, the result of that will be gun manufacturers going out of business. that means no more guns. that is her alternate agenda. that is the most revealing. trish: such a polarizing issue for people. looking at it and kind of scratching my head.
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she is campaigning in the state where i am from. there is a sense of the second amendment and comic you know, the motto being live free or die, will she went over new hampshire voters by saying we need much stronger gun laws? what is your take on that? what is your thought? >> no, she will not win over new hampshire voters. they will vote for her regardless. it does not matter what she does or what she said. she is spinning into that whole anti-gunman talent he on a level. there are some big gun owners in this country that really understand what she is all about. those people will not support her. they do not anyway. trish: there was a report over the weekend that smart guns are very much in focus right now. these are guns that only about the owner itself to fire.
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technology that requires a fingerprint, recognizes the owners group or uses wireless tech ologies with a watch or a ring in order to activate the gun. what do you think? is this a good idea? >> i would never own one. i think i speak on behalf of million of gun owners in this country. truly knowledgeable about firearms. i would never own one of these. why would i take a proficient instrument that could be used to save my life and turn it into a battery-powered uncertainty. i do not want a device that can be deactivated remotely by a government hacker. and i do not want the sticky finger of a government on my gun.
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i do not want them to become mandatory. trish: that is the fear here; right? pushback in new jersey. new jersey put a lock on the books that would mandate only smart guns once they were in stores. that, to me, they suddenly denied the choice that they need. >> writes. states have already put a lot into effect. all gun owners in new jersey have two within three years only by guns that have these kinds of devices in them. that is taking away the freedom of americans. it does show that it is a legitimate concern. trish: good to have you here. thank you so much. >> you bet. trish: so to come. our american dollars funding isis? a very big story in today's "wall street journal."
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our money going over to iraq. iraq is lending it or giving it to isis. we are on the money trail. we will break it all down for you. that is next. ♪ it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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trish: a shocking story today in the "wall street journal." our american dollars may be getting into the hands of isis. the money is reportedly getting funneled through iraq's central bank into iranian inks and possibly to terrorists. as a result the fed and treasury department stopped sending billions of dollars. now they are sending it again. what can be done. the saga of isis getting control over our weapons, now perhaps our money.
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the "wall street journal." spent two months researching this. joining me now. thank you, emily. how is it that american dollars are winding up in the hands of isis? >> it is complicated. central banks, iraq is one of them. with that, they have their own supply of u.s. dollars. largely funded by oil reserves. the fed is helping us spread dollars across the globe. so many different context outside of the world. chief current fee and other countries. they do not pay for it. iraq's central bank does. trish: iraq is buying dollars from us. >> they are paying to get them shipped in paper form. the fed prints $100 bills. they vacuum pack them. do this whole secure process,
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they go to back them. trish: then it starts to get even more complicated. >> exactly. trish: that is when isis starts to come in. once the money is in iraq, they then lend it to other financial institutions in the middle east. some of them may do business with us. >> exactly. there is an option process. a currency window. financial bird -- financial burdens that come to them. u.s. dollars are the chief currency and iraq. a lot of businesses want them to do business. what we learned is that money is flowing to sanctioned iranian banks. that is totally illegal for any u.s. government to knowingly send money there. and other bad actor, the islamic state.
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they have deep concerns about that. it gets even more complicated. they do not for sure if it is getting there. they are very concerned about it. trish: doing business with known terrorists. very strict rules that prohibit our banks. the money could wind up in the hands of these bad guys. >> we have very strict rules. trish: how is this happening? >> what we learned is as soon as they figured it out, everyone flooded the zone. we have the treasury department, the federal reserve, the new york fed, the state department, they first figured out, okay, we have to cut off these sanctioned iranian banks immediately. the isis concerns are ongoing.
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there are exchange houses, that is what they are known as, storefront, mom and pop firms all across iraq. they are a lot harder to track the money. it could be going there. trish: is this something different? >> it is not quite part of that system. that whole idea of person-to-person transfers, it is a similar analogy. very small mom and pop shops and hard to track. trish: what are they going to do about it? >> good question. the component of the treasury is involved in this. the cia and other intelligence agencies. they cut off the supply of dollars to iraq. the u.s. dollars for a period of time this summer. now they have this information sharing agreement where the central bank of iraq which is
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now monitored by ernst & young, they hired them, they have these reports coming through. trish: emily, thank you very much. i want to remind viewers to check out your article in the "wall street journal." if you do not have a hard copy, you can check it out online. president obama added again. taking some key shots at republicans. i will see you right back here in two. ♪ wow! but it is not the device mobithat is mobile, it is you.
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at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. . >> have you noticed that every one of these candidates say you know, obama's weak, he's -- you know, putin's kick sand in his face. when i talk to putin -- [ laughter ] >> he's going to straighten out. just looking at him, he's going to be -- [ laughter ] >> and then, it turns out they can't handle a bunch of cnbc moderators!
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[ laughter ]. trish: all right, that was president obama there taking some shots at the republicans at a democratic fund-raiser here in new york just last night. but you know, if you recall back in 2007, it was the president who was pursuing the democratic nomination at the time that actually skipped out altogether on the debate due to some of his issues with moderators. liz claman taking it into the close. see if we can hit 18,000. liz: how about that? dow 18,000, just a few feet ahead right now. oil and fabulous monthly sales driving the markets higher. oil up just under 4% sending the dow jones industrial average at this hour up 133 points. by the way, the s&p within spitting distance of all-time high. the number to watch 2130. we're at 2114. also flying higher, ben carson's presidential campaign, taking front-runner status away from donald trump in yet anhe


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